A diet that is low in carbohydrates but high in protein is called “Ketogenic” or a “Keto “ diet. Scientific research has shown that the higher the fiber content of a food, the lower is its ability to increase unnatural or unwanted fat. At the same time, so as not to degrade muscles and reduce metabolism, but increase energy, the diet needs to be supplemented with sufficient proteins. Keto Diet Meal Plan Singapore fulfils this target perfectly.
Obesity and Anorexia
Keto originated as a Medical Diet, but its relation and effectiveness as a weight controller was recently demonstrated by investigators. Both Obesity (extreme fat deposition with consequent increase in weight) and its sister Anorexia (uncontrolled loss of weight) can be treated by the Keto Diet. Anorexia is a known killer, but Obesity is the silent death dealer the world around which first affects the digestive system, and then slowly disables almost all the organs necessary for life.
How Keto Diet works
The Keto Diet System provides a way to energize the body from unwanted fat. The liver is made to convert this harmful fat deposition into fatty acids and “ketone bodies” rather than carbohydrates which are stored as “glucose” and finally the harmful fatty tissue that causes Obesity.
Keto Meals and XNDO
High fiber foods along with special proteins are used on a continual basis to create weight reduction and controlled health makes the Keto Diet Meal Plan Singapore created by XNDO the perfect vehicle to reduce weight drastically, often without the necessity of surgical intervention.